
North East Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital

Arunachal Pradesh, ItanagarEstd: 2001AICTE,
North East Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar


North East Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital is affiliated to Arunachal University. The College offers Bachelor's degree courses. The college is first ever Medical Institute in the State & first Homoeopathic Medical College in North Eastern Hill State. We have established the college & try to make it best in India. North East Homoeopathic medical college & Hospital is one of the premier institute of the North-East region. In-spite of all the barriers we are putting our best to produce best of best doctors of Homoeopathic system.

Courses & Fee

CoursesSpecializationAvg. Fees Per Year
BHMS (5 Year) Full Time Bachelor of Homoepathy Medical Science/ Year~
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