

MAH CET Entrance Exam

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test
PG CoursesState Level ExamApplication Form Date: - Examination Date:

The Maharashtra Common Entrance Test is known as MAH CET. It is the test conducted by the government of Maharashtra for admission into their colleges for MBA course. Every year thousands of college students appear for the exam. Around 200 institutions come under the purview of Maharashtra government which provides admission for MBA.In MAH MBA CET, there is no negative marking. Around 200 questions are to be answered in two and half hours duration. The admission criteria or the cut off mark is different for different colleges Students have to follow some guidelines for successfully attempting the MAH CET.

State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State is a state level entrance examination which conducts for post graduation programs.

EXAM LEVEL Post Graduate
CATEGORY State Level
CONDUCTING BODY Directorate of technical eduaction
CONTACT 1-800-266-3549 (Toll Free)

Guys, you can get detailed information about maharashtra common entrance examination dates, admit card, result and much more stuff on the Here you can read the Imaportant dates of maharashtra common entrance examination.

       Events Important Dates*
Starting of online registration  June-July
Last date to apply July
Downloading of admit card July
Date of Examination August
Announcement of result August

Anyone can take the MAH-CET entrance test. But there are some of the prerequisites which must be fulfilled by the aspirant which are provided below :

GENERAL 50% or equivalent CGPA
Schedule Caste (SC) 45% or equivalent CGPA
Schedule Tribe (ST) 45% or equivalent CGPA
Person with Disability(PWD) Differently Abled (DA) 45 % or equivalent CGPA
  • The minimum educational qualification for the candidate who is attempting MAH-CET is bachelor degree.
  • The final year students or the students waiting for their final results can also fill this form.
  • There is no age limit for the MAH-CET

Though the filling of any entrance exam form is not difficult, all you must take some of the precautions while filling the application form. Filling of the MAH-CET application form is not as difficult to climb the Himalaya! All you need to do is:

  • Visit the official DTE website and look for the MAH-CET registration link to fill all your name, address, date of birth, country and all the other necessary details.
  • After filling all the details correctly click on “I Agree” and fill the correct CAPTCHA.
  • As soon as you submit the necessary details you will get the login credentials (login Id and Password) through SMS and Email on your registered mobile number and mail ID respectively.
  • By Clicking on the “Existing User” tab login on the website with the help of your login credentials.
  • As soon as you login, fill up the application form by providing the correct personal details, educational qualification, work experience, programmes, Academics and all other which are essential.
  • Upload your latest passport size colored photograph and your valid signature as per the given dimensions on the website.
  • Upload all the necessary documents
  • Select the desired Management college and desired program

(Kindly check the official website for the update)

The students will not be able to make any changes in the application form once the final payment is done. However, the conducting authority provides the provision of changes in some of the details.

MAH-CAT Correction provision

Details which can be corrected Work Experience, percentage of marks scored, program selected
Details Which cannot be corrected


The candidates who passed the MAH-CET exam will be selected for the next level by the IIM. The candidates are selected by the different IIMs and the B schools based on their MAH-CET cut off Score. The shortlisted candidate will send the call letters directly to appear for the written Ability test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD), group Activity (GA) and personal interview rounds. Each B_SCHOOLS have the different admission criteria.

MAH CET MBA syllabus comprises four section Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Logical Reasoning & Abstract Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude

Tables Bars Line Graphs
Caselets Data Sufficiency Blood  Relations
Direction Sense Series Venn Diagram
Puzzles Coding -Decoding proposition
Data Arrangements Clocks and Calendar Assumption
Data Structures Family Tree Statements

Candidates can download their admit card through candidate’s login. The intimation for downloading the MAH CET admit card will also be sent through email/SMS.

To access the hall ticket, candidates have to enter the registration number/roll number or password/date of birth. Candidate needs to affix recent recognizable photograph on the downloaded admit card same as provided during the registration.

MAH-CET is the national level entrance exam to which opens the door to the MBA or the PGPM courses in the the top B schools.

These are the courses offered by the B Schools:

PGDM Post Graduate Diploma in Management
PGPEX Post Graduate Programme for Executives
PGPWE PGP for Working Executive
PGDHRM Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
PGP-UAE Post Graduate Programme at UAE
PGPBM Post Graduate Programme in Business Management
PGPSM Post Graduate Programme in Securities Markets
PGP Post Graduate Programme
EPGPM Executive Post Graduate Programme
PGPEM Post Graduate Programme in Enterprise Management
PGP-FABM Post Graduate Programme in Food and Agribusiness Management
PGPPM Post Graduate Progamme in Public Policy and Management
Quantitative Ability Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha and Published by Tata McGraw-Hill
Quantitative Ability How to Prepare for the CAT Common Admissions Test by Muhamed Muneer, published by Om Books.
Quantitative Ability Arun Sharma’s The Complete CAT Digest, by Tata McGraw-Hill.
Quantitative Ability Arun Sharma’s ‘How to prepare for Quantitative Ability for CAT Published by Tata McGraw Hill.
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Arun Sharma’s How to Prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning for CAT
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Trishna's Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning For The CAT And Other MBA
Verbal and Reading Comprehension Barron’s Pocket Guide to Vocabulary
Verbal and Reading Comprehension How to Prepare for the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
Verbal and Reading Comprehension Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
Verbal and Reading Comprehension Nishit Sinha’s The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

Students have to use gather suitable study material. At the same time too much material also will pose a problem as the student may not devote time to go through the material. Whatever is required has to be carefully planned and students should make it a point to answer all previous years question papers. It gives a fair idea about the type and pattern of questions frequently asked in the exam

  • Revision of all concepts is very useful just before giving the exam. Students should devote the last couple of days in revising important concepts and remembering them. For answering logical questions, students have to comprehend the questions clearly.
  • Good eating habits, allotting time for practice and taking required rest should become every day routine for the students to successfully attempt the MAH CET.
  • Students can practice online tests offered by several educational sites so that they can answer all the questions in the given time. Students who are weak in certain areas should devote more time to overcome the problems. Initially such questions may consume more time but as time progresses, with proper practice student can set a target to cover all the questions.
  • Thorough practice makes the student confident to take the exam. There is no other alternative to hard work and practice. Constant practice will be beneficial in the long run. Mock tests also give exposure to students regarding the pattern of the exam. Time should be set and students have to aim for completing the paper successfully within the given time.
  • Students should set their routine for the preparation of the exam well in advance. Time should be equally divided to practice all the sections. A proper planning and right implementation is very crucial for writing any exam. Practice papers should be thoroughly attempted so that the student can answer the question paper within the given time.

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