Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test is conducted by Anna university, Chennai under the Govtvernment of Tamilnadu. Anna university was established on 4th september 1978. annna university conndducted this entrance exam for addmission to MBA ME/MTech/MArch programmes offered by colleges in the state of tamil nadu. Under this university more than 500 colleges are certified means this university manage their education certification examination etc. Some Colleges also accept the Tancet score for admission.
EXAM LEVEL | Post Graduate |
CATEGORY | University Level Examination |
CONDUCTING BODY | Visveswarya Technological University |
Website | www.reva.edu.in |
Courses offered by Tamilnadu Common Entrance Exam
Important Dates of Tancet are given here. Anna university resleses the notification related to tamilnadu Common Entrance Examination for those student who wants to take admission in MBAcourese offered by Anna University. Candidate should aware of this examination important dates. In this section, all date are given which help you to catch this golden opportunity.
Event | Important Dates |
Application form Starts From | Â Last week of January |
Application Form Last Date | Â 3rd week of February |
Hall Ticket Availability | Â 2nd week of March |
Date of Exam | Â 3rd week of March |
Announcement of Result | Â 4th week of March |
Counselling Procedure Starts From | Â In the month of May |
To successfully apply for TANCET, it is very important that candidates match all the eligibility criteria for the examination, then candidate will be allowed to sit for the entrance exam. Eligibility criteria for Tamilnadu Common Entrance Examination is given below:
Application form of TANCET is common for all offered courses (MBA). Application forms for TANCET are available online on the official website.
Candidates can apply for more than one programs but they have to pay additional 500/- (SC/ST and Tamilnadu resident - 250/-) for each program.
TANCET provide only online application mode. candidates can not apply by other registration mode.
To fill the application form, the candidates will have to register on the official website using an email ID. The candidates must use only the functioning email ID as it will be used by TANCET authorities for all communication purposes.
Canmdidate must be download the filled application form and sent to the following address, along with copies of relevant documents and a demand draft of Rs 500 (Rs 250 for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu).
The Secretary
Centre for Entrance Examinations
Anna University
Chennai – 600 025.
Demand Drafts should be drawn in favour of ‘The Secretary, TANCET, Anna University, Chennai’ payable at Chennai, obtained from any Nationalised bank.
How to fill the form :
TANCET releses the exam center in the notification which are given in the list
TANCET Exam pattern divided into the First two part are must to attempt there is no choice.
ME/M.Tech/M.Pharma/M.Plan | Number of Questions | Number of optional questions | Each correct answer mark | highest Marks | -ve marks for every wrong answer |
Part I | 20 | 4 | 1 | 20 | 1/3 |
Part II | 35* | 4 | 1 | 20 | 1/3 |
Part III | 60 | 4 | 1 | 60 | 1/3 |
The results of TANCET MBA will be declared online. The candidates can check their scores by using login IDs. The scorecard can be downloaded by entering registered email ID and password.
To download the scorecard, you must follow the given steps: