

TAP Entrance Exam

Talent Appreciation Process
PG CoursesUniversity Level ExamApplication Form Date: TENTATIVE - Examination Date:
The Test of acedemic proficiency conducted by school of inspired leadership.It has number of subjects and challenging material.This test has a very high difficulty level. So if you are prepare for this test then start preparation seriously.
TAP is one of very difficult test of Nation so keep very good study material and starts preparation for this assessment. TAP assesment consist 170 multiple type question with a limited time keep going and crack this exam very soon.
Despite the length of test and content's breath, it is behind the impossible task.

TAP consists 4 subtests -

  • Reading Comphrehension
  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Writing
  • English language

Students must have to proof himself in english language.You have to secure minimum 240 marks in each subject.If you are veryb good in writing but weak in maths then you have less chances to select.

Numerical Ability 10% 10 10
Logical Reasoning 10% 10 10
Verbal Communication 5% 15 15
Analytical Ability 10% 15 15
General Awareness 10% 10 10
Psychometric Test – – 30
Total 45% 60 90

you have to write on some given topic which test your writing ability. The given topic given by exam incharge is according to your interest.
Interview Weightage
Attitude & Personality 0.15
Communication 0.1
Awareness 0.05
Mobility 0.1
Willingness to sell 0.05
Total 0.45

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