Shri Shivaji Preparatory Military School, Pune is a military boarding school in Pune in India. In 1932, Rajaram II, the Maharaja of Kolhapur decided to use the Memorial Hall in Pune for the military school. The classes were started on 20 June 1932. Boys of age 4-5 and 9-10 are admitted to the school.
Fee | Amount |
Full Boarding Fee | 155000 |
The admission process is non-discriminatory, rational and transparent.
Admission process is open for class I and V for the academic year. Admission to the class from II to IX will depend on the vacancies in respective class.
Admission is granted to Class I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII, and IX for which applicant should be 5+,6+,7+,8+,9+,10+,11+,12+,13+ years of age respective on 1st June of the year.
The medium of instruction at all stages is English. Parents / Guardians are advised to see that their son/ward has working knowledge of English, if the admission is sought beyond Std I.